Tech Lead & Infrastructure Engineer
Top performing full-stack senior software engineer with 10+ years of
experience developing frontend, backend, dev-ops, payment systems, web
3.0 technologies and ML/AI R&D, for bullet-proof and agile applications.
Excellent interpersonal skills, and able to clearly communicate, commit
to, and exceed expectations. Skilled in designing and implementing
robust architecture for many high profile features using a wide range of
programming languages and tools.
- Managed team by planning, delegating work, & mentoring employees
- Designed & implemented multiple microservices to replace outdated monolith codebases
- Implemented service to reduce P99 of TTFB for data fetches by over 50%
- Developed new driver payment microservice in Golang & frontend in JavaScript React to replace outdated SQL/DBT based payment system
- Corrected calculations & analyzed over 40,000 daily orders to ensure payment history was accurately maintained
- Set up dashboard & alerts in Datadog to monitor production environment
- Decreased feature release time with code generators to automate tedious development in various languages
- Implemented end to end features requiring integration into complex monolith legacy codebase
- Deployed EC2 solutions, updated DynamoDB, and integrated with Angular JS frontend
- Created dashboards on Splunk to monitor operational health metrics and notify on-call DevOps of any issues
- Collaborated with team to design and implement architecture for multitenant microservice
- Recipient of Excellence Award
- Developed Al algorithms to determine frequency, HNR, glottal pulses and jitter of signal, with accuracy up to 99%
- Authored python package index to deploy and integrate with code painlessly
- Researched and implemented simulations for chaotic celestial mechanics & humanoid robotics movements
- Modeled motion of celestial bodies within an N body system, by applying Newton's and Kepler's laws and Fourier transforms
- Used Matlab to model different humanoid robotics movements and optimize algorithm speed
- Received full ride academic scholarship to attend
- Invited to and participated in Phi Eta Sigma, BYU Honor Society
- Graduated with a GPA of 3.7 and with an emphasis in Mathematical Theory & Statistics